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Why it is important to workout when you do not feel like it

Exercise & Productivity

I am sure that every single one of us has heard these two words in one sentence before and the benefits exercise brings. The physical benefits are somewhat straightforward while the mental ones is today’s topic. In case you haven’t heard about the mental benefits of exercise, I will remind you. I will also cover the most popular excuses people use to say that exercising is not for them & it does not make them more productive (I am rolling my eyes).

First of all, Harvard study has put any doubts about exercise enhancing productivity to bed. The HBR, in fact stated that regular exercise should be a part of your job. So here is why:

  • Improved concentration

  • Sharper memory

  • Faster learning

  • Prolonged mental stamina

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Lower stress

Another study showed that, ‘’workday exercise, not only improves well-being but participants noted a 72 percent improvement in time management and workload completed on days when they exercised’’. This one goes out to the people saying they don’t have time to exercise during the day. If you get to work better and be more productive wouldn’t that mean you actually are saving time?

If these finding are not convincing enough, exercise helps you elevate your mood, and it’s a huge factor in success in the office environment and interpersonal relationships that majority of employers are emphasising.

You work from home? Well it’s a huge bonus to be in a great mood wherever you are.

Let’s turn it around and see what happens to your body if you do NOT workout.

Firstly, sitting at a desk all day is not how us humans are supposed to be spending time. We are built to stand upright, our heart and cardiovascular system work more effectively that way. Sitting for long periods of time leads to weakening of the large leg and gluteal (butt) muscles, this leads to all sorts of trouble, pains and possible injuries or strains and falls when you finally end up moving around a bit.

‘’Inactivity takes a toll on the body and exercise has a tremendous effect on the prevention of numerous chronic diseases. Moving helps muscles grow stronger, keeps hormones balanced, and decreases inflammation throughout the body’’, explains exercise physiologist Christian K. Roberts, Ph.D.

Despite the data showing all the positives when it comes to moving our bodies, a lot of people still find it difficult to do. Some try, but get enough of it pretty soon. The very first complaint is: but I get tired after exercising, how am I supposed to be productive after. This simply means you are pushing way too hard during your exercise. Remember, the workout is not supposed to leave you exhausted, it is supposed to be uplifting. If you feel too tired after the workout it simply means that you did too much and your body is not used to working out so hard. This in fact will leave you tired and not necessarily ready for productive work day. It is very important to know you limits when working out, push yourself but not past the line where you feel depleted. I am sure that if you workout too hard, then expect to be more productive this behaviour might be messing with your understanding of the correlation between exercise and productivity.

If you are ready to be more productive, here are top exercises you can start with:

  • Walking - yes, pretty simple, very effective. No need for fancy equipment, walking to work or a lunchtime stroll will help you feel refreshed & get your productivity juices flowing

  • Yoga - it is an all time favourite in helping to cope with stress and show higher energy levels

  • I am sure that every single one of us has heard these two words in one sentence before and the benefits exercise brings. The physical benefits are somewhat straightforward while the mental ones are today’s topic. In case you haven’t heard about the mental benefits of exercise, I will remind you. I will also cover the most popular excuses people use to say that exercising is not for them & it does not make them more productive (I am rolling my eyes). If you feel too tired after the workout it simply means that you did too much and your body is not used to working out so hard. This in fact will leave you tired and not necessarily ready for the productive workday. It is very important to know your limits when working out, push yourself but not past the line where you feel depleted. I am sure that if you workout too hard, then expect to be more productive this behavior might be messing with your understanding of the correlation between exercise and productivity.

  • Strength training exercises - very popular way of exercising, with the weights in the gym has the capacity to increase brain function.

I truly hope that after reading all this, you will want to get off that chair for a little move around at least!

Stay safe



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