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Life update from Valencia, Spain

Time flies, but I guess we all can say the same. We have arrived in Valencia 3 months ago and for me it feels like it has been forever already.

After 29 hour flights we finally arrived to the 3rd country that Brocks basketball career has led us to. Starting from Kaunas, Lithuania where we have met, then Turkey, Istanbul where we have spent the last two years, to Spain.

Right away Valencia struck me as cosy and warm. not only weather wise!

We have found an apartment in a few days and started to make it feel like home, mainly by unpacking and going to ikea on multiple occasions.

Three months have passed & I am still loving the city, warm people, the endless parks and of course the weather. Although the latter has started to get colder than when we arrived.

Another great change from Istanbul to here is that I have a bike now & I love riding it, its better than the car!! The infrastructure here is ideal for bikes and I love riding around getting to know the city. Which by the way is beautiful. The houses with awesome balconies & huge windows, all so different and so pretty!

I am excited to getting to know the city & taking you on the adventure.

P.S. I guess my last blog post was quite some time ago, but I have decided to keep it up and start again. I might even recap on the big events that happened during the last two years hint: engagement & wedding:)

Talk soon,


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