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OLD & SIMPLE key to healthier body

The food, fitness and wellness industry has been really confusing lately, and by lately I mean ever since the latest health boom this decade.

Too much information available about what is good for you, what would make you lose weight and what would make you gain muscle or even to detox your body. Some of that information sadly is not true. Simply, the big corporations sponsoring the studies to get the results that would make their product more valuable and attractive for the costumer. It is all a big evil circle.

One week spirulina is the SUPERFOOD of the era, the next its ''ability'' to help detox the body are pushed away and laughed at. Then there is coconut oil and the whole coconut take over in general. The coconut sugar, the flour and so on. It is definitely too much to comprehend and more importantly to try and follow. Its all too confusing.

So WHY don't we focus on what our bodies can do themselves first? Like DETOX. There is no need to take something to help the body detox, it is the master of it on its own. It does not need the some new crazy mixture or EVEN WORSE some expensive pills that are labelled as natural, but sell for crazy prices. WHY ARE WE CONSTANTLY LOOKING FOR AN EASY WAY OUT?

We need to understand that the simple things are the way to go.

By simple I mean hydration, a nutritious diet with a lot of veg & keeping active. Also not to forget dedication with a little bit of discipline that one must put in to stay healthy & take care of their bodies.

This time I would like to focus on the vegetables. (There is plenty of focus on workouts on my Instagram & Youtube channel).

First of all I am no nutritionist, but I am constantly reading, listening and trying things myself. The one thing I have tried in the recent 2 months is eating more & more vegetables. But not the usual '' yeah I eat enough veggies'' type of crap. I mean EAT WAY MORE veggies. My grocery shopping would look a lot like the pic I have taken (see pic). My goal was to make my basket as colourful as possible & to come up with some easy recipes where I use a lot of them. I tell you what, it works! No need to buy some crazy nutritional plans or even sign up for some crazy program. Simply eat more vegetables.

Some of you might think ok its easy for you to talk because I am not overweight or this or that. But actually its not about that it is about the willingness to do GOOD FOR YOUR BODY, whoever you are and however you look or weigh. JUST GET ON IT! I have had a great interest to make myself healthier and this journey has been long. I have tried to make it enjoyable & I do NOT feel deprived of anything. I feel like the past decade has taught me a lot about food and my body. And I could go on and on about it, but I am writing this to advice you not to look for some shortcuts to the fitter body, or quick ways to become skinny (who cares about skinny anyways, I care about strong & healthy) but whatever your goals are its is not an overnight job with some NEW & FANCY solution.

It is the old, boring and very well known tips that will work! Get to that grocery store buy all the colours of the palette you can find in the veggie aisle & get to eat them. Make them tasty, and enjoyable. Search for recipes if you are not the master chef (as I am really not). NOTE: it doesnt have to be vegan. It can be next to your meat (other proteins), but make veggies the majority. Include them in every meal. NOTE2: DO NOT over cook the veggies, because it loses all the greatness that the nature puts in it!!! After the last 7 weeks of including A LOT vegetables in my meals, and almost getitng rid of the chicken (I have said NO to red meat 8 years ago) I feel wonderful. Please remember my goal was not to lose weight or anything. I simply wanted to try & I am so in love, I feel clean and light! (Please do not go crazy and only eat veggies, because our bodies need other nutrients as well)

Remember BALANCE <3 MM

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