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You do not need new years to start a new habit or start working on any goal. But somehow it is ALWAYS the New Years that make people believe that NOW is the time they can TRULY change.

So I will go with this ''trend' this time. Only because I have had some not so pleasant events recently that NEW YEARS is a very good point not to bring my 2016 into 2017. Also at the same time an even bigger kick in the butt to go on with my plans and work work work work work, to make them see the day light.

It is a well known fact you are more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down. I would read it in every motivational book that I have opened (there were many) & looking back when I was in my late teens I have written my goals down. AND I HAVE MADE EVERY SINGLE BIT COME TRUE. Maybe even better than I was imagining then. (Ok, one thing did not come true yet, I MUST learn how to play tennis!) So 2017 is going to have a written page each day (Picture), for my goals for the day & the year. For my wishes & dreams. My random thoughts and most importantly I will write what I am grateful for. EVERYDAY. I will be asking myself: WHAT CAN I DO TODAY TO MOVE ME CLOSER TO ACHIEVING MY GOAL? I do believe that when you want something very badly, when you think about it a lot & of course work towards it. Good things happen.

Let's set goals, write them down, do at least one thing everyday to move yourself closer & most importantly, celebrate your progress 📍 Make 2017 count!

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